
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Santa Claus 我的圣诞老公

2010年的圣诞节,没有二人世界也没有浪漫的晚餐可是还是少不了surprise -

从包装看来TAKA 肯定是珠宝首饰啦。。。^^



而我也送了汉一双鞋子,可是鞋子已伤痕累累因为第一天穿就遇上下雨天。。。 :(

听说送鞋是不好的因为鞋送了,穿的人会跑走,意思是那人会离你而去噢。可是我们都不pantang所以觉得没关系,之前汉也送过两双鞋给我。。哈哈。。还不是好好的。。 :P

Thursday, December 23, 2010


好高兴哦,今天是本小姐2010年最后一个工作日,明天开始放假咯。。。。万岁!!:)  满脑子都是。。
*明天可以出去shopping逛个够因为有很多Christmas Sales。。。
想到就不自觉的偷笑。。。。哈哈。。 ^^

今天还收到很多热情的同事送的圣诞节礼物,收到我都不好意思因为我没有东西回礼。。。 :( 大多数都是巧克力,有意大利买的,日本买的,还有日本零食。。。在写blog的当儿,我已吃个不停了。。。。。好好吃!!谢谢亲爱的同事们。。。

祝大家圣诞节快乐咯!!!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010




Tuesday, December 14, 2010


再过两个星期就可以暂时不必工作,一想到即是期待又兴奋,如果以后都不必工作那该多好。可是last minute想要出国走走都不行,机票超贵的 :( ,所以只好留在这里cuti-cuti Malaysia 咯。Hmm。。。现在就开始得计划要到那儿了,大家有什么建议吗??

到目前为止,我只确定了一个地点那就是UK Farm, 想到那儿看看绿绿的草地和可爱的羊群们。以前从不知道有这个地方,最近陆续有朋友到那儿游玩所以我也想去参观参观。我想只需要一日的行程就能搞定,从我家去只需要一个钟头哟,很近吧!^^

再来可能就是Bukit tinggi 的French Village和Janpenese Village。很多人都说那儿蛮闷得的可是没去过的我就是想到那里走走看看拍拍照,如果不错的话还会考虑住上一晚享受享受。。。哈哈。。。现在得收集一些资料了。

除了这些地方以外,海边去了好多次都有点闷了所以被淘汰了,真不知道还有什么好去处呢?。。。。伤脑筋!!! 大家有什么不错的建议吗?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

可口的夏威夷果 Delicious Macadamia Nuts

前几个礼拜,汉的亲戚给了他妈妈一包夏威夷果,他妈妈转送给我们带回新加坡。我俩从没见过夏威夷果,还在想着不知道需不需要煮还是可以直接吃呢??哈哈。。。看了看它的包装 ‘盐夏威夷果 roasted and salted macadamia’ 直觉告诉我们应该可以就这样吃了。


夏威夷果Macadamia Nuts 

打开后,夏威夷果那坚硬的外壳让我们伤透脑精。幸运的是每一粒夏威夷果的壳都已经有了个裂缝,包装更附上开壳器方便消费者。可是别以为这样就可以轻易的尝到它可口的坚果肉,想要拨开它的壳可真是粒粒皆辛苦 :( 。。。。汉费尽了力气才把它的壳给拨开,你可以想象有多坚硬吗??


夏威夷果其实是一种原产于澳洲的树生坚果,也称澳洲坚果或火山豆。它被称为'世界坚果之王' 因为其营养成分丰富。夏威夷果含油量高达60~80%,还含有丰富的钙、磷、铁、维生素B1、 B2和氨基酸。其功效主要为:促进智力发育、提高记忆力、增强免疫力、美丽容颜、调节血脂、降低胆固醇等功效。非常适合老年人或血脂不好的人的滋补食品。


Friday, December 10, 2010


好不容易预约到皮肤专科看医生以为我的脚有救了,哪知道还是空欢喜一场。Dr Neoh 看了看我脚上的疤说“那个凹洞是没救了因为细胞已经坏死了”,当下我觉得非常难过但是也无可奈何,只怪自己当时让医生在我脚上打了一针。。。 :(

女生天生都是爱美的,第一个闪过的念头是。。。那我以后不能穿短裤,短裙了, 脚都不能漏出来了。 :(  在回家的路上越想越伤心,早知道就不让医生在我脚上打针,后悔极了。。。。。。




Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How to get rid of the annoying ants

Today i receive a mail regarding the household tips, find it quite useful and would like to share it here...
I believe most of us more or less encounter the annoying ants problems before, hate the ants comes from nowhere and not sure how to repel them.

Now, a very simple way to get rid of them is to put the cucumber peels near their favourite places. Ants hate cucumber very much, especially the cucumber peels, the more bitter the results better, so ants will move away from their home immediately.

Never thought that cucumbers are so powerful against the ants. It is one example of natural pest control. People likes to use it as it is natural and without the toxic ingredients compared to those ants-killer selling in the supermarket.

Let's get rid of the ants now with only cucumbers!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Halloween Celebration in Vivere Hotel

As we know, 85% of Filipinos are Christian hence no doubt that they are celebrating Halloween on 31st OCT every year. So while i was in Philippines, almost every corner of the hotel was decorated with little pumpkins...

On the actual day, there was a Halloween celebration in Vivere Hotel's ballroom for all the guests but unfortunately my flight back to Singapore was on 29th OCT so unable to join this special occasion.  :(

Besides that, there is a special promotion from Sky Lounge (a restaurant in Vivere Hotel) for Drink of the Month and Dessert of the Month.....With an order of Drink of the Month, a free little pumpkin will be given as a souvenier...

Drink of the Month - mixed fruit juice
Dessert of the Month ......YUMMY!!

In order to get more little pumpkins, i ordered the Drink of the Month everytime i had my dinner in Sky Lounge. Eventually i brought back 4 pumpkins....hehe.. very cute, right?

little pumpkins

Halloween party is very fun with all kinds of special costumes, hope i have the chance to join the party next time....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


MC一個禮拜在家閒著沒事做,這翻翻那翻翻才發現上次101010註冊時的外拍照片還沒跟網友們分享呢。這一組照片都是我小妹幫我拍的唷,我選了一些還不錯的照片讓大家欣賞。。。。可別笑我唷因為我們都覺得這些照片很好笑,全都不到味 :p。。。





Monday, November 15, 2010


上個星期二終於見到我好久未見的姊妹們,好高興噢!!自從大學畢業後大家都有各自的生活和事業,所以都鮮少見面有時一年只見上一次。隨著大家都來新加坡工作,見面變得容易安排得多可是還是拖了半年才見上一面。。。哈哈。。還敢說呢都是因為我老是時間上沒辦法配合 >.<

這一次我們選擇在Bishan的Swensens見面,雖然只有培玲,焉戀,亭慧和我四個人,可是我們就足以讓我們從七點聊到店打烊的時間才甘願離開,還是店員小姐叫我們結賬的呢, 厲害嗎??四個姊妹都足以讓我們聊到天南地北,從男朋友,家人,工作到現在的生活狀況一一不可放過,如果所有八個姊妹都到齊的話那七嘴八舌的應該像個小巴殺了。。。。哈哈。。

雖然大家看起來都沒甚麼改變可是無可否認的我們都成熟了,也就是老了 。期待下一次的聚會噢,大家保重。。。。。

Sunday, November 14, 2010


還記得小時候都喜歡偷噴媽媽的香水,因為無法抗拒那香噴噴的味道,結果噴得太多使得那味道久久未能散去,最終被發現了>.< 。。。。 在長大後,第一次收到香水是男朋友送的情人節禮物,收到時而外興奮,雖然只是小小的一瓶但是卻裝着滿滿的心意。 出去拍拖時都不忘會拿它出來擦擦,讓自己香噴噴的出門,魅力加分,心情也跟著愉快起來:)。。


當然選擇適合自己的香水是很重要的,我個人是偏愛清新的淡香味因為太重的香水味會讓我的鼻子受不了,不停的打噴嚏,也可能讓身旁的人有种窒息的感覺噢! 哈哈。。。。。選擇對的香水才能讓您的魅力加分噢!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010




我也不想害你的可是你也螫了我一針害我還得動個小手術把刺拿出來。。。。之前還一直以為長雞眼所以一直塗雞眼的藥。哪知道不但沒變小反而越腫越大還長膿包了,忍無可忍之下向醫生求助去了。 醫生看了下說‘小姐,你得到專科醫院動個手術因為蠻嚴重的,蜜蜂的刺可能還在腳上。你亂亂塗抹雞眼的藥是不會好的而且越來越嚴重。’ 當場才覺得事態嚴重因為越來越痛了,於是今天一大早立刻到醫院去了。


手術前還有點害怕問醫生 ‘我的腳是不是會多一個洞呀?’
醫生看了看我開完笑的說 ‘對亞,會有個大洞。。。。不過肉會長回來的一兩個禮拜就會好了。’


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


要去台湾的朋友请注意咯,在选择民宿时务必要小心,最好有男生陪同。因为刚刚才收到惊人的消息,我六月时到台湾旅行的民宿老板竟是个色狼 >.< 。这个在花蓮市「小李生活館」日租套房老闆李玉麒,上網以民宿名義攬客,卻遭多名女遊客指控,他在飲料、蛋糕下藥,趁機撫摸胸部、下體及偷窺洗澡。超下流的!!


真是人不可貌相,李是我们在台湾时的民宿老板兼导游。亏我老爸还说他为人不错怎么到现在还单身,原来他有这等癖好怪不得找不到老婆啦!! 我们全家人都很庆幸能安全归来,真是不幸中的大幸,也幸亏我们都住在二和三楼而且都有男生陪同,据报道受害者大多数是全体女生,都住一楼方便他行事。。


Monday, November 8, 2010

Delicious Philippino Food

Almost three weeks in Phlippines, sure i had tried some philippino food. Now, let me introduce to you one by one, my number one favourite food isssss............... Pancit Palabok. It is actually a Filipino noodle dish of Chinese origin, called as palabok because of the thin rice noodles are covered with a bright colored orange shrimp-flavoured thick sauce. Aside from the sauce, pancit palabok has a toppings of prawns, wedge cut hard-boiled eggs, chicharon (pork cracklings), flaked tinapa (smoke fish), fried garlic and chopped of green onions. Then finished it with squeezing lemon all over. Wah, it makes me feeling hungry now.....

Pancit Palabok

The second goes to Halo-halo, a popular Filipino dessert which is a mixture of shaved ice, evaporated milk, sweet beans and fruits, and then served in a tall glass or bowl. It is exactly like the 'ice-kacang' in Malaysia. No doubt that this mouth-watering dessert is the favourite of the kids because of its colourful looking. While i was eating halo-halo in the restaurant, the kid who was sitting in front of me kept starring at my halo-halo, i felt very 'paiseh' but still kept on enjoying it....haha... :P


The third one is 'Leche-Flan' or Filipino custard which i have mentioned before in the post of Leslies Restaurant in Tagaytay , a very popular dessert in Phillipines.


Well, there are also some very special Filipino food like balut which is commonly sold as streetfood in Philippines. Balut is a fertilized duck or chicken egg with a nearly-developed embryo inside that is boiled and eaten in the shell. Besides, it is popularly believed to be an aphrodisiac and considered as a high-protein, hearty snack. Another type of balut which is fried until golden brown, they called it Kwek-kwek.



So after seeing the picutre of balut, do you brave enough to eat? I'm not dare to eat both type of balut as found uneasy to eat the small chick insides........ >.<
Besides, they eat also small worm/bug. I tried few of them, it was a bit salty....
small worm

Next is Puto, it is a a type of steamed rice cake, taste a bit sweet..


Last is fried kangkung, i guess you never tried it before. It tastes good, very crispy, you would certainly want more after trying....

crispy kangkung

So which one will be your choice?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Palace in the sky - Tagaytay

After lunch, we headed to our next destination, 'Palace in the sky' which was an unfinished mansion of Philippine former President, Ferdinand Marcos. Now it is opened for public and is renamed as People's Park in the Sky.  Since it is situated in one of the highest places in Tagaytay, it offers the majestic view of the Taal Lake and Taal Volcano.

We took jeepney to go up to the Palace of sky. Jeepney is a very popular means of public transportation in the Philippines, they were originally made from US military jeeps left over from World War II and are well known for their flamboyant decoration and crowded seating. My first time to experience jeepney was just like the feel of sitting in the 'tutu' car in Thailand.


From the Palace of sky, you can see very beautiful tagaytay view besides the taal lake and volcano. I like the cool and refreshing air over there which makes me feeling extremely pleasant and calm...

breathtaking view from Palace in the sky


Jesus statue

Before leaving, don't forget to buy some souveniers. There is a street in the building selling various kinds of souveniers, you can easily get what you want over there. For me, i just bought two clothes as souveniers, one for me and one for my husband.

It was really a pleasant trip to Tagaytay, i love it!! Thanks to my 'pare' who spend their precious time for accompanying me.... :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Leslies Restaurant in Tagaytay

Besides the beautiful scenery in Tagaytay, the food in Leslies Restaurant also thumbs up. We arrived there close to 12pm but could you imagine that no seat for us, it was full house inside, ending up we had waited 20 minutes to have the seats. My two 'pare' (buddy in Filipino) had ordered some local food for me to try.... Don't drool after seeing the picture..yummy, yummy!!

See, this one looks like cheesecake right? They call it 'Leche-Flan' or Filipino custard which is a popular dessert in Phillipines, the ingredients are only egg yolks, condensed milk and caramel, but the taste is heavenly good, melt in ur mouth. :D


Next one is Seafood Bicol Express, it is a little bit spicy. Not only nice to see but nice to eat....hehe..

Seafood Bicol Express

Then comes the Sizzling Sisig, just found out that it is a dish made from parts of pig’s head and liver. OMG, i have eanten it?? =.= But that day what i ate was only pork....let me clarify with my 'pare' tomorrow, I can't imagine if i have really eaten the pig's head and liver??? @@

Next dish is Tortang Talong which is just like eggplant-omelette, a simple dish that cooks the eggplants together with the eggs. The point is the eggplant never cut into pieces but roast it until slightly burnt, remove the skin and then flatten the meat with a fork and mix with the egg. It is really a very different way of cooking compared to our cooking method.

Going to next is the beef soup, it should be taste good i think as my 'pares' like to drink very much. As a buddhist, i never take it, see will be enough..... :P

beef soup

Besides enjoying the nice food, we had a drink over there. These two are my 'pare', tour guide of the day...haha....very friendly and sometimes very funny... :D

my pare

After seeing all these food, feel like want to try them out?? According to my 'pare', leslie restaurant is quite popular in Tagaytay because of its delicious food and nice volcano view. So don't miss out this place when you visit there...... :)